Thursday, November 22, 2012

An Erupting Update!!!

How lucky are you guys!  A month with nothing and now 2 posts in one week lol.  This isn't going to be a long post its just a bit of an update on something I thought you all might be interested in.

For the many of you who follow me - FB, Twitter, Blogger - and keep up with my statuses, you know that bi-weekly I have been  guest blogging for a site called I Walk 4 Love and, for the past 5 weeks I have been doing a Post Card Series - click link if you need to catch up or a first time reader. 

My most resent postcard ( last week) was about the Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand and my adventure crossing it.  Well, this week it erupted.  After its first rumbles in over a century this past August it has decided to rumble again and has erupted (either Tuesday or Wednesday) while, not only hiker were making there way up and over the crossing but a group of school children as well.  Read article here.

There are some video's up on YouTube so I thought I would share one with you.

I remember passing those Active Volcanic Hazard Zone signs; we pointed at them making nervous jokes while deep down inside hoping that the volcano would stay asleep during our hike. I remember trying to imagine what would happen if it had erupted while we were there, if we would be safe, if we would have to run fast.  Lucky for me the only thing I had to worry about was the Devils Staircase.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Boring Post or Its Begining to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I know, I know, I know.  It's been awhile since my last blog; well just a little over a month.   I have honestly been waiting for something interesting to happen, as I am sure you don't want to hear about the (still) shitty depressing weather, shit wages and being bored most of the time.   I have read back on past posts and it seems that I always had something interesting to write about, even when nothing was happening I still seemed to be able to write an interesting post.  Here it is a different story and I really don't want to bore you with...well nothing lol.  But,  I originally started writing my blogs to keep in touch with those of you back home and thats what I intend to do.  So, without further adieu - or excitment for that matter -  I give you an update.

Things haven't really changed much.  It's getting colder though some days are like a mild spring day and it makes me forget that winter is still upon us.  Dan is still working crazy hours,  he is exhausted all the time but we seem to be having more days together lately.  Our days together don't consist of much entertainment; reading, watching movies, me constantly getting him to be less messy (don't roll your eyes mum I am neat and tidy compared to him).  He goes to the gym and I go to yoga,  well actually it's Bikram Yoga.  It's 90 minutes of compressions and stretches in a room with a temperature of 40 degrees and I love it!!!  It's relaxing and has really cut down my stress.  We are trying to be good to our bodies as when we are traveling we go head first into the cultural foods and drinks which isn't usually the healthiest diet.  We are not drinking (as much - maybe once a week), but because of cutting the sugar of alcohol out of my body I have stashed away leftover halloween candy for my frequent sugar cravings...I swear the candy here is the best tasting of any I have ever had.

There are markets here every Thursday and Saturday but we stay away as it's a temptation for us - well more so me - to spend on things we really don't need.  I want to walk to the beach one day to take some pictures but Dan hates the rain - unless it's to go to Thorpe Park - so he will avoid it at all costs,  I swear he is a Warlock and will melt if he is exposed to it.  I would love to have adventure days with him like Dallas and I always did in L.A. but the weather is so uninviting that staying inside curled up under a blanket with a book or movie is the most welcoming thing on most days.

We did go out Friday night, though it was because Dan had a really stressful day at work and he really wanted some drinks, so we planned to meet at our favourite bar for 12:30 am.  Thank god we know people who work ther because he didn't rock up till about 1:30 (drunk).  He had fallen asleep on the bus and ended up in Christchurch.  It was the last bus so he had to walk all the way back - about half an hour - and then decided he wanted to change so he went home and then came to the bar.  I just put my arms around him,  I wanted to cry after what he had been through but Dan being Dan just brushed it off like it was nothing.   I have no idea what time it was when we left but we had bumped into his mate Luke at the bar and decided to go back to his place for a beer.   Next thing I know it's past 5am.  "Wow!"  I said "I am way too old for these late nights."  Dan had fallen asleep on the couch and he is difficult to wake up especially when he is drunk.  Luke and I couldn't wake him up,  he kept swatting at us and curling up into a little ball.  "You can sleep on the couch" Luke offered.  My couch days are (mostly) over so I really wanted my bed and was determined to wake him up but to no avail nothing was working.  "Wait!"  Luke says running to the kitchen quickley and returning with a small bottle of really really really hot, hot sauce.  A little dab on the lips and whammy!  Dan is upright on the couch, eyes bulging out of his head.  He so wasn't happy.  He refused to talk to me on the way home he was so angry.  He kept moaning and licking his lips.  I kept trying to console him but being drunk myself I kept making weird noises in my throat as I attempted to supress my laughter.  The last thing I wanted was to laugh at him as he was so mad at me but it was so funny. He could barely walk a straight line, he was groaning, licking his lips and muttering "oh ya baby so fucken funny" and then would stop to vomit.  He would continue on walking saying more obsenities at me, licking his lips, vomitting,  I would giggle (hysterically) and say ``baby I am so sorry``  ``oh ya I am sure you are.  I bet this is funny to you.`` licking his lips and then stopping to vomit again ``no baby it`s not funny``  I would say as the corner of my lips curled and giggles were escaping.  I tried putting my arm around him but we would push me away and breath out harshly through his nose as it was now begining to leak.  Unfortunately he remembered the hot sauce the 2nd way the next day...oops!!! 

I can definitely feel Christmas in the air which is a refreshing feeling.  Last year being in Darwin the Christmas feel was pretty much moot.  I have spent Chrstimas in warm climates but there were no lights strung up in places, or christmas trees int he windows, no wreaths or holly hanging from lamp posts down the didn`t feel like the Christmas Season.  Here it`s the opposite.  In Bournemouth Square there is a German Market whrere portable huts (selling what they sell) are painted in dark burgundy,  laden with ivy and strugn with Christmas lights are erected in a strategical manner. Along the centre of the shopping square.  A small portable pub of the same colour has also been erected all done up with the ivy and lights is off to the side.  There is a wire going across from one lamp post to the other where a mechanical Santa Clause rides a unicycle with presents dangling from it - when I first saw it from a distance I thought it was real.  Even in this cold weather, this outside market has the warmest coziest feeling to it...a Christmas feeling, which has made me a little homesick and missing being at home for the holidays.  It saddens me and then, I quickly remember that in less then a month I will be meeting up with my parents in Greece and then we will be spending our Christmas in Italy!  I am so excited!  It won`t be an orphans Christmas this year - though last year was great!  But  I can`t wait!  It will be almost 2 years since I have seen them,  the longest I have ever been away from them.  I am counting down the days.

We have figured out my visa so we can extend our stay.  I am applying for a marriage visa - as our wasn`t a legally recognized ceremony - which will give us another six months and of course our marriage registered .  It has taken us over a month to get the information we needed.   Everytime we called the UK Home Office, the office always seemd to be empty as an answering service always picked up directing us to an email.   I tried emailing before we even called and the reply`s would be...please send your questions to this email.  Then that email would say this is the wrong department please send your email to this email address.  It was hopeless.  We had a couple of simple questions that we needed answered and we couldn`t seem to get them answered.  I finally came across this website for immigration lawyers who emailed back within a half hour.  Dan called them today and within 5 minutes our questions had been answered saving us money and a trip to the UK Home Office in London!  This marriage visa is really good news for us and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders.  We can actually relax a little more and not stress about leaving by the end of February :)

Well,  that is all for now,  I hope you weren`t too bored, I always do try my best to make these as interesting as possible.  Until next time, hopefully sooner then later.

eM x

                                                                                   27 DAYS!!!