Sunday, January 13, 2013

Customs, Back in England and a Transfer

Well, we made our bus with time to spare, thank god!   Dan was so worried we were going to miss it as our flight had been delayed two hours.   We were lined up at the gate to board the plane when an announcement came on saying the flight would be delayed two hours.  The announcement had only came on once so there were people that arrived afterwards who were still lining up no knowing what was going on.   The flight wasn’t even changed on the screen till about 45 minutes after the announcement, except instead of being delayed 1.5 hours we were delayed two hours! 
When we finally boarded the plane the captain told us that some light in the panel had gone off and they needed to get a paper signed in order for the plane to fly and it took two hours hence our two hour delay.  But, it was all for safety reasons which I have nothing against – we all know how much I love flying. 
It was a short flight (only two hours)  but we were pushing it with our bus time.   We tried to get off the plane as fast as we could but we were at the back of the plane so we weren’t having much luck.  We ran as soon as we were off, our baggage was off first and we headed for customs.  Oh customs!!!  How I love being questioned.
Thank god Dan was able to go through them with me –   he is British he is supposed to go through a different line – because I would probably still be there answering questions.  “Oh so it looks like you have already been here. “  “Yes.”  “Why are you coming back?”  “My husband is British and we are spending time with his family.”  “Do you have a job back in Canada?” “No.  I have been traveling for the past two years.”  “How do you expect to support yourself?”  “My husband manages a bar full time.”  “How long do you plan on staying for and do you have a ticket to prove you are leaving?”  “No I don’t have a ticket.”  I travel through Europe without having to go through customs, or getting a stamp, yet the UK is so strict,  and I’m from a commonwealth country.  NOTE : if you are from a commonwealth country (other than the UK) it really doesn’t do much for you,  there are not many benefits…it can be frustrating.  Oh well, such is life lol.  After we gave him a (random) number of when we were leaving ( shorter than my allotted time as my visa is still not expired) we were a loud to proceed and began running for the bus.   We made it, with 20 minutes to spare J
I was quite gutted to leave  Italy.  For as long as I can remember, it was my dream for my dad to go home to Italy; and, if I was lucky enough, to go with him.  In fact when I was little (and even now)  I have said that if I won the lottery (the big one)  I would send my parents to Italy.  Now, two of my dreams have come true, but like any other dream, it has come and gone.   I remember counting down the weeks, days then hours till I met up with my parents in Greece; now, we have already been back in England just over a week.  Time flies. 
 As much as England can be extremely depressing, I kind of felt like I was going home in a way.  I mean we have been here for almost 5 months and we have almost settled and with the few friends that I have here, I was looking forward to seeing them.   On the Monday I got together with my friend Eve.   We were supposed to go out and take some pictures but the weather was gloomy – not uncommon for England – so we went to her place and had 1 bottle – well maybe a bit more than a bottle – of wine, listened to music and chatted away until we had to pick her 4 year old son up for school.  Ya, that was a bit of a laugh. "How was your day sweetie?" "It was lovely mum, though I would've rather stayed at home with you."  How cute is that, plus kids with an accent still get me lol.
Dan has been transfered.   We found out the night we got back.   There was a text on our phone Hi Dan, I'm sorry I know you are on vacation but you have been transferred as of next week.  He wasn't overly keen on the idea as he was really happy at his location.  But, instead of commuting over 2 hours a day,  he now walks less then 10 minutes up the street :).  He is less tired and closer to home which I like.  I get to pop in and have dinner with him which I couldn't do before.  Plus as I am here right now, using the fee wifi.  We currently don't have wifi right now; well, actually we never really did,  we use the one from the lady across the street - without her knowing of course - but she must be away or something because it hasn't been on for a week.  Pffft.  We would like to knock on her door and ask what's going on, but it wouldn't be a good idea.  The fact that we use it is a secret, so don't tell anyone ;).  So if you have been wondering why I haven't been online much this is why.    And no, I'm not working,  I'm not a priority remember.

I'm afraid that is it for now.  As usual nothing overly exciting here.  Hopefully soon though.  Take care.  Happy New Year.

For first time readers...please revert back to the  In the Meantime, In Between Time blog.